Wednesday, 3 September 2014


Greetings to all those out there in the ether of the internet! Today I am a happy little bunny. I have a lovely new flat, I am in the middle of a new project, AND I have finally found the time to sit down and set up this blog! Huzzah!

Le Me:

Firstly, let me tell you a little bit about myself (because I am totes obvs the most important thing on the internet, yo...). I am currently a student, and in need of something to stop me becoming an academic hermit in my final year. Obviously, the best way of doing that is to sit alone in my room sewing, crafting, and typing at my keyboard. When put like that, it sounds ridiculous; but joining the crafty online community will (hopefully) give me something to take my mind off academic work, whilst still being productive. And I do love productivity.

Crafts wise, I have recently finished a couples cosplay of gender-swapped Joker & Harley Quinn with my other half, and I am currently working on a small toy elephant (more on him later!). I'm interested in all things crafty, but sewing is my main hobby. I am also a musician, a pole dancer, a writer, and a nerd through and through.
Gender-swapped Joker & Harley Quinn cosplay
Learning to Swordfight at Nine Worlds Geekfest

Le Blog:

This little blog is supposedly here to complement my new etsy shop (LozzitaDeesigns), which is scheduled to begin selling before December. I will be posting all the joys and woes of my crafting on here as I build up my stock, along with a few interesting snippets of joy I find from around the web that I deem "Super Awesome!", or "so cute you may possibly die".

That's right. This is going to get super exciting. See you all in the ether, my friends. Live long and prosper ^-^

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