Sunday, 21 September 2014

Purse-pective 2.0

Greetings all!

Thanks to my beautiful Gertrude...

See how purrrrdy ^-^

... I have been able to superspeed my sewing.  I've spent all day organising material, threads, and patterns, and getting down to making the ideas in my head.  This is the result:

The collection isn't finished yet, but this is the first few.  You might recognise the one on the left as the purse made in an afternoon a while ago with a new embellishment:

For the Whovians out there ^-^.  The others are newly made today.  Each is a little different, but all on a theme.  Can you guess what it is?

So far we have 2 Jokers and one Batman, but the collection is nowhere near finished.  I've got many ideas for more, and not just little coin purses, but many different accessories.  So watch this space.

With this huge boost in productivity, my Etsy shop should be opening up quite soon.  I've started working on DRD 1812, and once he's finished, the store will open & these cute little coin purses will be up for grabs!

Live long and prosper ^-^

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